Advance Your Vision
Facilitate Your Needs
Maximize Your Resources
Do you need new or improved facilities?
- Do your facilities reflect who you are?
- Are your facilities up to date?
- Are your facilities inadequate?
- Do you need to expand or relocate?
- Do you have a facilities masterplan?
- Do you have a life cycle cost plan?

Featured Testimonial
Hear Fr. Ray Kasch from St. Patrick's in Smyrna, TN tell about his experience with Rick Thurman.
Building and Improving Facilities is Difficult and Expensive; and has a High Failure Rate.
Over 50% of Projects Never Get Past The Design Stage
Over 70% of Construction Projects Experience Significant Quality, Budget and Schedule Issues

Only 10% of Projects Get Completed Without Significant Issues or Failure.
Operation, Maintenance, and Life Cycle Costs are Even More than Construction Costs.
*Most Organizations have a handle on operations and maintenance costs, but no plan for costly component life cycle replacement.
Take Control of Your Facilities
Rick can help you to successfully navigate the process of developing the awesome facilities you need to do awesome things.
Meet Rick Thurman
Rick identifies with the challenges of organizational leaders. He has decades of corporate and non-profit leadership experience, combined with extensive facilities development experience that includes:
- Over 3,000 facilities and 80,000,000 SF
- 7 of the Top 10 Retailers in US
- Largest Retailer in US
- Largest Restaurant Chain in US
- Largest Property Holding Company in US
- Largest Architectural Firm in US

Rick has worked with the most recognized organizations in the US and has adapted proven processes to meet the unique needs and challenges of smaller organizations.
- Facility/Property Development
- Strategic Master Planning
- Project Feasibility
- Facility Assessment/Improvement
- Life Cycle Cost Planning
- Project Rescue
If you have or need a facility, Rick can help you to maximize your facility and your resources.
How Rick’s Process Works:
Participate in Rick’s free consultation.
Determine level of Rick’s help needed.
Let Rick help you through the process.
Meet Rick Thurman
An introduction to Rick Thurman and the proven processes he uses to help leaders create awesome facilities.